Income Tax Recruitment 2021:
Income Tax Recruitment 2021
The aspirants who are looking for the Latest Central Govt Jobs can utilize this wonderful opportunity. Income Tax Department has released an employment notification of the Income Tax Recruitment 2021 on its official website Through this latest Income Tax Department recruitment, Offline Applications are invited from eligible and desirous candidates for fill up 28 vacancies for the posts of Inspector of Income Tax, Tax Assistant, Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Posts.
Aspirants who are serious about their career and if you want to make a career in Income Tax Department can apply directly from the link provided below. The applicants are advised to apply well in advance to avoid rush during closing dates.
Organization Name Income Tax Department
Job Type Central Govt
Recruitment Type Sport Quota
Total Vacancy 28
Job Location All Over India
Salary Rs.18,000 -1,42,400
Apply Mode Offline
Application Start 10th August 2021
Last date for submission of application 30th September 2021
Official website
Latest Vacancy Details
1. Inspector of Income Tax 03
2. Tax Assistant 12
3. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 13
Income Tax Recruitment 2021 Salary Details:
1. Inspector of Income Tax – Pay level-7 (Rs.44900 to Rs.142400)
2. Tax Assistant – Pay level-4 (Rs.25500 to Rs.81100)
3. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) – Pay level-l (Rs.18000 to Rs.56900)
Income Tax Recruitment 2021 Age Limit Details
1. Inspector of Income Tax 18 to 30 years
2. Tax Assistant 18 to 27 years
3. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 18 to 27 years
The Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST; 3 years for OBC, 10 Years for Persons with Disabilities (15 years for SC/ST PWD’s & 13 years for OBC PWD’s) and for Ex-S as per Govt. of India rules. Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through Income Tax Department official Notification 2021 for more reference
Income Tax Recruitment 2021 Sports Eligibility:
Appointment can be made of a sportsperson considered meritorious with reference to the following criteria:-
Sportspersons having represented
(i) A State or the Country in a National or International Competition In any of the games/sports as mentioned in Para 7
(ii) Their University in the Inter-University Tournaments conducted by the Inter-University Sports Board in any of the games/sports as mentioned in Para 7
(iii) The State Schools Team in the National Sports/Games for schools conducted by All India School Games Federation in any of the games/sports as mentioned in Para 7
(iv) Sportsperson who has been awarded National Awards m Physical Efficiency under National Physical Efficiency Drive.
Note: The merit of sportspersons, who fulfill the aforesaid eligibility conditions, shall be considered/decided in the order of preference given above. Further, priority would be given to current players i.e. who have represented in international and national level in the last three years in tournaments of the recognized sports federation.
NOTE: The best of three performances in the Calendar Year (in the descending order) 2020, 2019,2018, 2017 and 2016 shall be considered for evaluation.
Evidence in support of merit in sports events/games Only certificates awarded by the authorities mentioned hereunder will be taken into account as evidence in support of having participated in competitions in any of the above Sports events/Games while considering eligibility of the applicant. A candidate who cannot produce selfattested copies of at least one certificate issued by one of the authorities mentioned here under along with application need not apply.
Secretary of the National Federation of the game concerned.
Secretary of the National Federation or the Secretary of the State Association of the game concerned.
linter-University tournament
Dean of Sports or other Officer in overall charge of Sports of the University concerned.
National/Sports/games for School
Director of Additional/Joint or Deputy Director in overall charge of Sports/games for schools in the Directorate of Public Instructions/Education of the State.
Physical Efficiency Drive
Secretary or other Officer in overall charge of Physical Efficiency in the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Government of India.
List of preferred games/sports for which the applications are invited: –
1. Archery 33. Mallkhamb
2. Athletics 34. Motorsports
3. Atya-Patya 35. Net Ball
4. Badminton 36. Para sports
5. Ball-Badminton 37. Pencak Silat
6. Basketball 38. Polo
7. Baseball 39. Power lifting
8. Billiards & Snookers 40. Shooting
9. Body Building 41. Shooting Ball
10. Boxing 42. Roll Ball
11. Bridge 43. Roller Skating
12. Carrom 44. Rowing
13. Chess 45. Rugby
14. Cricket 46. Sepak Takraw
15. Cycling 47. Soft Ball
16. Cycling Polo 48. Soft Tennis
17. Deaf Sports 49. Squash
18. Equestrian 50. Swimming
19. Fencing 51. Table Tennis
20. Football 52. Taekwondo
21. Golf 53. Tenni-koit
22. Gymnastics 54. Tennis
23. Handball 55. Tenpin Bowling
24. Hockey 56. Triathlon
25. Ice Hockey 57. Tug-of-War
26. Ice Skiing 58. Volleyball
27. Judo 59. Weightlifting
28. Kabaddi 60. Wushu
29. Karate 61 Wresting
30. Kayaking & Canoeing 62. Yachting
31. Kho-Kho 63. Tennis Ball Cricket
32. Kudo 64. Icc Skating
How To Apply For Latest Income Tax Recruitment 2021?
Applications must be submitted in following format addressed to Income Tax Officer (Hq) (Admin), O/o Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, UP (East), Aayakar Bhawan, 5-Ashok Marg, Lucknow-226001 by Registered Post only on or before 30.09.2021 (08.10.2021 for Candidates domiciled in North Eastern States, Andaman Nicobar Islands, Lakshansweep, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala)
Also, Clearly write on the envelope:
Official Notification Click Here
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