Permanent vacancy of part time sweepers in Punjab National Bank.
The opportunity is in the Thiruvananthapuram circle. Those from Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Alappuzha and Idukki districts can apply.
District and vacancy below
Kollam-4 (General-2, OBC-1, EWS-1), Pathanamthitta-1 (General-1) Alappuzha-4 (General-2, OBC-2) Idukki -2 (General-1, OBC-1)
Age: 18-24 years
Statutory reservation benefit is available. (Age is calculated on 01.01.2022.)
Illiterates can also apply.
Applicants should not have 10th class pass and should be permanent residents in the respective districts
Application forms should be filled with the following information
1. Name,
2. Father's name,
3. Date of birth,
4. Age,
5. Educational Qualification (Passed Last Examination),
6. Caste, Category and Religion,
7. Address,
8. Fixed address,
9. Domicile (a. Village, b. Taluk),
10. Language (writing / reading),
11. Mobile / Landline Number,
12. E-mail ID
13. Current job,
14. Any other information.
15. Signature.
Documents to be attached with the application
These are all.
Self attested certificates are required.
1. Employment Registration Card
2. Photocopy of the application (signed and photographed at the top right of the application).
3. The last passed mark list
Transfer Certificate and Mark List and Certificate proving that the Class X examination has not been passed
4. Certificate issued by the Tehsildar to OBCs
5. Address line
6. It's for the differently abled
Certificate of Proof
7. Proof of permanent residence
8. For those with financial reservation
Certificate of Proof
9. If there are other certificates.
The application should be filled and sent by post.
Address is added below
The Functional Manager (HRD) Punjab National Bank Circle Office: Trivandrum, Vyshnavi Tower Bye Pass Road, Ambalathara Thiruvananthapuram-695026
Send to address.
RECRUITMENT OF PART TIME-SWEEPERS 2021-22 should be marked on the outside of the application cover.
Closing date for receipt of application
Date: June 13, 2022
Application forms are available at the bank branch of the concerned district.
ജോലി ഒഴിവുകൾ wtspവഴി അറിയാൻ*
*ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ഫുൾ അണകിൽ ഈ ലിങ്കിൽ നോക്കുക*
*ജോലി ഒഴിവുകൾ ടെലഗ്രാമിൽ ലഭിക്കാൻ*: https://bit.ly/3MdO0a7
*ജോലി ഒഴിവുകൾ ഇൻസ്ഗ്രാമിൽ ലഭിക്കാൻ*:
*മാക്സിമം ഷെയർ ചെയുക.*