Milma Recrutment 2021 Driver cum office attendant
Well-known by the popular sobriquet ‘milma’, Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF) was formed in 1980 as a state adjunct of the National Dairy Programme ‘Operation Flood’. It is a three-tiered organization. The farmer memberships that stood at 45000 during take over from the erstwhile KLD&MM Board during 1983 has grown to over 9.77 lakhs through 3315 milk Co-operatives by Februay 2019. These primary societies are grouped under three Regional Co-operative Milk Producers’ Unions viz TRCMPU for Thiruvananthapuram region, ERCMPU for Ernakulam region and MRCMPU for Malabar region. At the apex level KCMMF functions from the headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram. From the different units managed directly by KCMMF and the various units under regional unions MILMA produces and distributes pasteurized Vitamin – A enriched milk and various milk-based products as well as mango drink throughout the state. MILMA has been instrumental in achieving the national goal of self-sufficiency in milk production in the state.The goal of KCMMF is "The socio-economic progress of the dairy farmer through procuring, processing and marketing of milk". Still the goal is receding as Kerala enjoys one of the highest ranges of per capita milk consumption. KCMMF is totally content in the realization of this vision which was set before it. KCMMF has achieved the distinction in its performance by close association and bond with National Dairy Development Board, Animal Husbandry Department and Dairy Development Department of the State and Kerala Livestock Development Board.Kerala Co-opertive Milk Marketing Federation (KCMMF), popularly called ‘milma’ was established in April, 1980 with is head office at Thiruvananthapuram for the successful implementation of ‘Operation Flood’ Programme in Kerala
Updated on 09.07.2021, Find all 1 MILMA Recruitment 2021 vacancies across India and check all latest Job openings in MILMA Recruitment 2021 page Updated on July 09, 2021 to know the latest vacancies in MILMA Recruitment available for both freshers, experience. Stay connected on our page to know the upcoming MILMA Recruitment 2021, number of vacancies, salary details and much more.
Interview Date-August 3rd 2021
Recruitment Type-Temporry vacancy
Candidates can Go walk in interview
Driver cum office attendant
Age Limit. 18-40
Salary 17,000/-
How to Apply
candidates may attend the walk-in-interview with certificates to prove qualification and experience at below mentioned address Time-10.00 , Interview Date- August 3rd 2021
Kollam Dairy, Thevally, Thevally.P.O, Kollam - 09
Tel No:0474-2794556 , 2794884
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